Carrie and Will share the same birthday - August 16. Here they are having a birthday lunch. Can you name the other relatives who share a birthday with their parents?
Will and Brady earlier in the day at swim lessons.
Yes - it was me. I was following Judy in an exercise at a class and rolled my ankle.
I have never seen the Wienermobile so we had to stop and get our pic taken. (Notice the boot.)
It did not stop me from going to the ocean twice this weekend. Although I was not happy that I could not go boogie boarding. I even bought a cane so I could walk.
Dan sent me these photos of him and Lori at the John Meelnecamp concert at Rockfest in Cadott, Wisconson on July 17th. He gets VIP tickets to all the concerts.
Lori and Dan at concert.
Lori and Dan getting their picture taken with the band called Collective Soul.
John Mellencamp
Lori ran into a former DL classmate - Nancy Hoper.