Friday, October 5, 2012

Judy's Client / Referral BBQ!

Judy held a Burgers and Hot Dogs BBQ for clients and people who have referred people to her.  Over 40 people showed up and everyone had a fun time.

The Invitation!

The "Goodie Bag" for those that came.  Can you guess what is in the bag?

The set-up crew!  David Kasten, Parker and David Kennedy

Judy and Jon (The Grill Master)

Buttons of the houses Judy has sold!

Judy's first client - Joe Skuza!

June and Joe Skuza

Jon with Shay Pastick!

Juliana Thompson

Niles and Aria

Marc Foner, Judy & Duncan Peterson

Lisa Whittemore

Judy & Kyra

Jacob, Debbie, Bob, Dan & Judy

Fun Time!

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